Lorena Independent School District

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Student Safety & Wellness » Student Safety & Wellness

Student Safety & Wellness

District School Safety Committee & Safe and Secure Schools Program Team

The School Safety and Security Committee is a working group of diverse individuals that serves the members of its school district or open-enrollment charter school by helping create and maintain a safe and secure school climate and culture for staff and students.  In order to ensure that this committee has a significant impact upon the school’s climate and culture, there is representation from various perspectives on school safety and security.
This team will also serve as the District Safe and Secure Schools Program Committee and is charged with the duty to oversee the operations of threat assessment teams established for the district. This team has been trained in Lorena ISD’s threat assessment processes.  A committee with oversight responsibility must include members with expertise in human resources, education, special education, counseling, behavior management, school administration, mental health and substance use, school safety and security, emergency management, and law enforcement.
Meeting Dates and Agendas
Meeting Date Agenda Link Location
August 1, 2024 Download Agenda Virtual (Link in Agenda)

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

The Lorena ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a school board approved advisory group made up of individuals who represent different segments of the community. By law, a majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. The LISD SHAC is made up of parents, community members, and school staff all working together to improve the health and safety of all students, staff, and families through coordinated school health programs.

We strive to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for every student in Lorena ISD. If you would like to serve on our School Health Advisory Council, please contact us. 

Meeting Dates & Agendas

Date Agenda / Minutes Location
September 27, 2023 Download Agenda / Minutes Lorena Middle School
November 8, 2023 Download Agenda / Minutes Lorena Middle School
February 7, 2024 Download Agenda / Minutes Lorena Middle School
April 10, 2024 Download Agenda Lorena Middle School


Why do we need a School Health Advisory Council?

  • It's Texas law: Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 of the Texas Education Code
  • Healthy children learn better


We, the Lorena School Health Advisory Council exist to fulfill the law in providing, evaluating, and adopting health/safety education curriculum for Lorena ISD. We promote family and community involvement in the selection of materials, programs, and events with the goal of expanding our students' understanding of true and complete health both physically and emotionally.

The SHAC meets four times during the school year, more often as needed.

How can I help?

  • Become knowledgeable about district efforts to create healthy learning environments.
  • Help implement practices that promote healthy lifestyles for our children.
  • Attend District SHAC meetings.

Physical and mental resources available at each campus

  • Health Resources available at each campus:
    • Full-time RN available at all campuses
  • Mental Health Resources available at each campus:
    • Full-time District Guidance Counselors (Click here to visit their website.)
      • 1 Full-Time Counselor at Primary
      • 1 Full-Time Counselor at Elementary
      • 1 Full-Time Counselor at Middle School
      • 2 Full-Time Counselors at High School
    • Klaras Center Therapist and Social Worker available to LISD students as referred.
    • One full-time school psychologist, LSSP, available to LISD.

Nearest provider of essential public health services

  • Waco – McLennan County Public Health District
    • 225 W. Waco Drive, Waco, Texas 76707
    • 254-750-5410

Nearest local mental health authority

  • Heart of Texas MHMR
    • 110 S. 12th Street, Waco, Texas 76701
    • 254-752-3451


The SHAC is currently seeking members!!

If you are interested in serving on the SHAC, please contact:

Brandy Rodriguez, RN, School Nurse, Chair, 254-857-4604

Chris Holze, Parent, Co Chair



Human Sexuality Curriculum


In Lorena ISD with parent opt-in approval, students are taught Human Sexuality Curriculum in Grade 7 and during their Health Education class in high school. The curriculum used is the Texas State Board of Education approved Goodheart-Wilcox Health Skills textbooks:


The content has been reviewed and approved by the Lorena ISD School Health Advisory Council and is grade-level specific and developmentally appropriate. Additionally, the human sexuality portions of the Goodheart-Wilcox textbook are provided in a separate, supplemental textbook from the remainder of the health curriculum to support the HB 1525 opt-in requirements outlined below.

Lorena ISD believes that parents or legal guardians are the primary providers of human sexuality education, and the curriculum provided at school is meant to supplement what is taught at home, not to replace it. 

Opting In and Preview Access

Participation in the human sexuality curriculum is voluntary. During the 87th Texas Legislature Texas House Bill 1525 was adopted and requires parents or legal guardians to opt-in their students to participate in Human Sexuality curriculum. Opt-in permission will be sent home via the PowerSchool Parent Portal at least two weeks prior to the curriculum being presented.

Additionally, parents and legal guardians are entitled to preview all human sexuality curriculum materials at any time. To request access to the materials, please contact your child’s campus principal or Jessica Webb, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, at the Lorena ISD Administration Building.